UDC 339.92(497.11:510)
Biblid: 0543-3657, 69 (2017)
Vol. 69, No 1169, pp. 21-35

Original paper
Received: 28 Nov 2017
Accepted: 11 Jan 2018


JELISAVAC TROŠIĆ Sanja (Sanja Jelisavac Trošić, PhD, Research Fellow, Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade), sanja@diplomacy.bg.ac.rs
STOJANOVIĆ-VIŠIĆ Biljana (Biljana Stojanović-Višić, PhD, PE „Post of Serbia“, Belgrade), bilja33@ptt.rs
PETROVIĆ Vladeta (Vladeta Petrović, PhD, Professor, ICT College of Vocational Studies, University of Belgrade), vladeta.petrovic@ict.edu.rs

China and Serbia in recent years have started new forms of cooperation within the established China-CEEC “16+1 cooperation” mechanism. This cooperation is far more comprehensive and bearing a number of completed and planned concrete projects. Chinese companies already have a number of infrastructure projects in Serbia, as well as some major investments in several sectors of the Serbian economy. Since these projects have been proven to be fruitful, apart from deepening the existing forms of cooperation, it would be desirable to start investing in new sectors of the Serbian economy that have a potential for growth and development. Since it is possible to export from Serbia to many countries of the world, China would benefit from production in Serbia. Investments in the agriculture and food processing industry have a great potential for further growth of these production sectors, and they occupy a significant place in Serbian exports. Based on the foreseen possibilities of growth, primarily in the processing industry of Serbia, the paper gives a few recommendations for industrial cooperation between China and Serbia.

Keywords: Serbia, China, EU, investment, industry, trade, production, development